My Favourite Celebrity Chefs - Top 3
0 Comments Published by Lisa T on Monday, May 28, 2007 at 3:18 PM.

1. Gordon Ramsay
Perhaps my sadistic nature has taken over but I do enjoy watching Gordon Ramsay's abusive antics on television. If you haven't watched his shows, the names of his reality tv programmes should clue you in on his personality - The F Word, Hell's Kitchen and Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares. Filled with acerbic and highly-censored (at least in Singapore) vocabulary, Ramsay's shows aren't quite suitable for the young and give new meaning to "No Reservations" (sorry about that, Anthony Bourdain!).
I particularly like Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, which reminds me of the Japanese show 抢救贫穷 shown on channel 8 quite a number of years ago, except (of course) with Ramsay's special touch of profanities. Ramsay goes around trying to save failing restaurants and is treated to a bout of bad attitude and even spoilt scallops! Those who currently or want to own a restaurant/cafe should watch this show for Ramsay's great ideas.
Want to watch the ex-footballer behind Michelin-starred restaurants? Check out Asian Food Channel (channel 69) on cable tv.
2. Anthony Bourdain
Chef, writer and food travel host - Tony gets paid to travel and savour cuisines from all over the world. Sounds like a good deal? Guess again.
When you have to swallow fermented shark's meat (twice!), sheep testicles and a cobra's heart, you may want to rethink your job. Poor Tony!
Tony's funny sarcasm and devil-may-care attitude really does work some magic on television. We like to watch him squirm when he swallows some of the weirdest foods. In one episode, he even tried durian, which smells like heaven to most Asians and smells like crap to most Caucasians. In any case, I'm glad he liked it - You'll never know if you like something unless you try it! :D (but please don't make me eat bugs! *eeks*)
Anthony Bourdain has written several books about his culinary adventures into foreign lands. His newest show, "No Reservations", can be found on Discovery Travel & Living (channel 16 on cable tv).
What can I say about Nigella? She's gorgeous, and so is her food! We love a woman who can cook so effortlessly and who really enjoys her own creations. She makes cooking seem so easy!
Nigella is what every woman should be - she's highly intelligent, beautiful and great at cooking. Inheriting her father's intelligence, Nigella studied Medieval and Modern Languages at Oxford University and thereafter freelanced as a writer for several famous US and UK publications, like Bon Appetit, Gourmet, The Guardian and Times Magazine.
It's hard being the child of a famous man, specifically one of the most prominent politicians under Margaret Thatcher. Nonetheless, Nigella has successfully emerged from her father's shadow and is now known as a "Domestic Goddess".
Nigella has penned five books, the most famous of which may be "How to be a Domestic Goddess". You can find her books at any big bookstore, like Kinokuniya and Borders, or simply watch her on Discovery Travel & Living.
Another Notable Mention
It's hard not to like David Rocco. He's handsome, charming and fit (rare, really rare for a famous "food" personality). I like to see him prepare for his marathon, have a boy's night out or even plan a surprise for his wife (who's also quite pretty, by the way). But most of all, I love to watch the way he flirts with a frying pan. :D Why are Italian men so charming? *ponders*
His recipes are really easy to make. Find out more at Also, watch him live the sweet life in Discovery Travel & Living's "David Rocco's Dolce Vita".
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